alpha carinae

my corner of the internet



Or is it a diary? journal? I have no idea

Welcome to my blog, where I write about things that happen and how they make me feel

06/01/2024 - 2024 Week 1

Hi! I'm not really a new year's resolutions kind of person, but I did decide that I wanted to try something out this year. I've been thinking about how to use this website, and this is what I decided: every week, post something. Anything. Maybe talk about a movie I saw or some music I've been listening to. Whatever's going through my head, whatever's going on in my life. Anything.

So, what have I been up to this week?

In a few days I have to sign up for classes for next semester at uni. Last semester I felt like I handled my classes fairly well, so I was thinking of taking a couple of extra ones this semester, but I'm a bit worried it might be too much, so who knows what I'll do.

I've been thinking about trying to get into the chess team next semester as well. I'm not very good (1100 elo on, but I'm improving and think it would be fun to try to participate in some real tournaments. I'll try to improve over the break, though I have no idea how good I'd have to be to get in the team.

13/01/2024 - Week 2

These last few days haven't really been very eventful. I signed up for this semester's classes, watched a few seasons worth of community episodes, and slept a lot.

I discovered the album Somewhere City by Origami Angel and found it really interesting. I listen to a bit of midwest emo here and there but this album is very strange: it's emo AND happy. Shocking. To be honest it's something I didn't know I wanted, and I get the feeling I'll be listening to it a lot.

I reached 1200 elo in chess, and I'm starting to get really into the idea of trying to go for the university team. For that I'll have to keep improving a lot, but now it's something I'm really interested in. I've been experimenting a bit with openings for white: dabbling a bit in 1. d4 systems and other unorthodox first moves, but I haven't settled on anything I really like yet.

20/01/2024 - Week 3

I have a cat, Oreo, who is about 3 years old. A few weeks ago I got a new cat, Dulcinea. They haven't exactly been getting along. A couple of days ago they got into a fight and Dulcinea ended up with bleeding in her eye, but it turned out she wasn't very hurt so that's nice. I hope they can get along eventually.

I ended up taking those extra uni classes for this semester. I hope It's not overwhelming lol, but I think I'll handle it.

27/01/2024 - Week 4

I am writing from the glorious nation of ARGENTINA. I'm on vacation visiting family. Where I live, there's mountains all around the city, so it's always weird coming to Buenos Aires and seeing that everything is just flat.

This past week I made a pixel art of the cover art for the album Hissing Fauna by of Montreal (check out my CD's section!!!). I've also been listening to the new glass beach album. It's really interesting.

03/02/2024 - Week 5

I've spent the last week here in Argentina, visiting family and such. I also finished reading Final del Juego by Julio Cortazar, which is the first book I've finished since 2022. Yay. This year I'm hoping to read some more, hopefully a book per month.