- 253 - a novel about 253 people on a train
- An Atlas of The Universe - space stuff is cool
- An Infinitely Large Napkin - a nice introduction to higher math topics
- Dave Green Facts - I don't know who he is and I don't need to know
- Encyclopedia of Chess Openings - not really useful but i like it
- Evangelion Title Card Generator - for memes none of my friends find funny
- Garfield Generator - do I need to explain?
- Mathgen - I will find a use for this someday
- Pixel Cat's End - strangely addicting
- PLINK! - banging out the tunes
- space email - not a scream into the void, just a whisper
- The proof is trivial! - I find this much funnier than it actually is
- - forest sounds
- Turing Machine Simulator - a bit niche but that just makes it cooler
- What Beats Rock Game - this is art
- WindowSwap - just sit and look out a window on the other side of the world
- xkcd - there's always a relevant xkcd
neocities sites
other neocities websites that I like