


  1. 253 - a novel about 253 people on a train
  2. An Atlas of The Universe - space stuff is cool
  3. An Infinitely Large Napkin - a nice introduction to higher math topics
  4. Dave Green Facts - I don't know who he is and I don't need to know
  5. Encyclopedia of Chess Openings - not really useful but i like it
  6. Evangelion Title Card Generator - for memes none of my friends find funny
  7. Garfield Generator - do I need to explain?
  8. Mathgen - I will find a use for this someday
  9. Pixel Cat's End - strangely addicting
  10. PLINK! - banging out the tunes
  11. space email - not a scream into the void, just a whisper
  12. The proof is trivial! - I find this much funnier than it actually is
  13. tree.fm - forest sounds
  14. Turing Machine Simulator - a bit niche but that just makes it cooler
  15. What Beats Rock Game - this is art
  16. WindowSwap - just sit and look out a window on the other side of the world
  17. xkcd - there's always a relevant xkcd

neocities sites

other neocities websites that I like

  1. 410
  2. abelian
  3. angels are mathematical
  4. blanket fort
  5. cable world
  6. denpa.tenshi
  7. flounder heights 102
  8. flower in binary
  9. frog pond blues
  10. halcyon days
  11. i will never be happy
  12. literature girl
  13. nullspace
  14. over the rainbow & down below
  15. silent suburbia
  16. sneek's realm
  17. sol's home
  18. the end of town