

For the things that don't fit anywhere else.

Names I find cool:

  1. alpha carinae
  2. didactic train
  3. understood worm
  4. paper cranes

Top 5 Numbers:

  1. 12
  2. 9
  3. 5
  4. 25
  5. 49

A collection of quotes:

  1. "What is essential is invisible to the eyes"
    -The Fox from The Little Prince
  2. "If in any chance this message arrives, please signal back if you can find a way. I know it may be uncomfortable for you to address me after all that has happened. We've both had a long time to think things through. Any anger I may have had has long since faded. I don't hold anything against you. If anything, we're both in similar dilemmas right now. I'm sorry. I'll always be here if you need someone to talk to."
    -Looks to the Moon from Rain World

Things I want to do over the summer break:

  1. Finish Rain World
  2. Learn more origami, maybe clean up the mess of older models I have and fold a more definitive collection
  3. Maybe read a book. If I'm feeling ambitious
  4. Or maybe read some math stuff I find interesting
  5. Listen to a lot of music
  6. Get back into factorio (I might regret this)
  7. Code more, maybe think of some personal projects
  8. Get back into writing?
  9. Exercise more?
  10. Get back into chess

Other things I want in a list:

  1. Ray bradbury : Write a short story every week, because it's impossible to write 52 bad short stories